Camshaft position sensor, also known as the cylinder identification sensor, camshaft position sensors are generally expressed by CIS. Camshaft position sensor function is to collect the valve camshaft position signal, and input ECU, in order to identify the ECU compression TDC cylinder 1, thereby performing sequential fuel injection control, ignition timing control and knock control.
Cooling Temperature Sensor

Cooling Temperature Sensor
Thin-film temperature sensor is a new type of temperature sensor
Film temperature sensor is a new type of temperature sensor , working principle and common thermal resistance, thermocouple the same , but it's hot junction thickness of only a few microns . Film temperature sensor because of its small , short response time , high sensitivity, ease of integration , etc., suitable for measuring rapid changes in body temperature over time . Film thermocouple principle was first used by the Germans during the First World War made P.Hackmann and developed a film thickness of only 2um thermocouple sensor for measuring bore bullet shot in the foot after a temperature change . Many scholars from around the world followed the film temperatureCamshaftPositioSensorstructure , method of preparation , performance and prospects a lot of research work , and has made encouraging progress in recent years, is widely used in internal combustion piston top surface of the combustion chamber wall and cutting tips and other transient temperature tests . Domestic Northwestern Polytechnical University, Li Fu-Guo Huang Lu , who developed a new right to film thermocouple temperature sensor for measuring the work surface and the internal die temperature transients ; Xi'an Highway University, developed a money orchids, wall heat transfer for internal combustion engines process analysis of the film Coolant Temperature Sensor; Dalian University of Technology precision & processing , Ministry of Education key Laboratory of Bao yuan et al study and produce for measuring cutting temperature NiCr / NiSi film thermocouples.Developed film temperature sensor is the key to solve the coating resistant , solid , impact and insulating layer between the issues and the difficulty of combining domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of research on the coating process and produce the corresponding thin film sensors. So far, the researchers have developed a thin-film Engine Water Temperature Sensorcan be well applied in some situations , but its versatility deficiencies , and the cost is high ; simultaneously by technology and material constraints , sensor life are generally more shorter.
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