
Detecting a pressure sensor with a multimeter can only perform simple testing, test results are for reference

Detecting a pressure sensor with a multimeter can only perform simple testing, test results are for reference only. Can be roughly three tests , the detection bridge , the main circuit is correctly detecting sensor is generally full Wheatstone bridge circuit , using the multimeter ohm , the impedance between the input terminal and an output terminal of the impedance , these two impedances is the pressure sensor input and output impedance.If the impedance is infinite , the bridge is broken , indicating sensor is defective or does not determine the correct pin definitions . Zero detection, voltage profile with a multimeter , test without applying pressure conditions, Camshaft Position Sensor zero output .This output is generally mV voltage level , if you exceed the technical specifications of the sensor , it shows zero deviation of range sensor . Pressure testing, inspection alone is: To power the sensor , pressure sensor mouth blown guide holes , files with a multimeter voltage detection sensor output voltage change. If the relative sensitivity of Car Temperature Sensor is large, this change will be significantly . If you did not change , we need to exert pressure switch pressure source .By the above method, a pressure sensor which can detect the approximate position . If the need for accurate detection , it is necessary to use a standard pressure source , the pressure to Cooling Temperature Sensor , and in accordance with the magnitude of pressure variation of the output signal , to calibrate the sensor . And when conditions permit , the relevant parameters of temperature sensing. In short, the pressure detection sensor is a complex task for general detection of a multimeter , can be applied in many cases , but if the required pressure sensors have stringent conditions with the detection of the system .

